

  • Bank account reconciliations

    Reconciliations are a part of our bookkeeping service. They are performed on a monthly basis and ensure that all the transactions that a client’s bank account is showing are settled against the accounting system.

  • Generating balance sheet or Statement of Financial Position

    We provide you a snapshot of your organization’s financial position. The balance sheet will show you a summary of financial balances, which include assets, liabilities and shareholder’s equity at a specific point in time such as the end of a month, quarter, or year.

  • Generating Income statement or Profit and Loss Statement

    We provide you your organization’s revenue and expenses during a particular period monthly, quarterly, or annually.

  • Audit support including research, documentation and interfacing with auditors

    We will act as a liaison between you and your organization’s auditors to ensure a smooth systematic examination of your financial records. We will coordinate with all staff to acquire all necessary backup required for the audit so that your staff can focus on their primary duties.

    We place an ongoing emphasis on ensuring that your organization stays in compliance with accounting reporting guidelines and standards.

    In the case of audit findings, recommendations or suggestions, we will communicate with the organization what those are so that we can promote the highest standards of internal controls.

  • Tax Form 990 Filing for Non-Profits

    Most organizations who are exempt from income tax under section 501(a) are required to file an annual information return (Form 990 or 990-EZ). If you are a tax-exempt organization or a nonexempt charitable trust, we will help you file either form with the IRS for your calendar year.

    The public may depend on the information provided on the Form 990 or 990-EZ as their sole primary source of information about your organization and we therefore use audited financials to complete the Form 990 or 990-EZ, which ensures accuracy of data provided.

Other Services

  • Grant Analysis

    If your organization is dependent on federal or other grants, we will review all the requirements necessary for proper handling and reporting of financials as required by the grant.

  • Development and delivery of PowerPoint Presentations

  • General ledger production and maintenance

    Also a part of bookkeeping. It is a continuous process of maintaining your Chart of Accounts so that we can ensure data integrity with any changes that take place in your organization.

  • Process analysis and streamlining, cost reduction analysis and efficiency enhancement

    We will analyze your accounting system, financial and accounting processes, and provide you more efficient ideas where necessary to ensure cost containment. We always look for ways to improve your bottom-line.

  • Insurance and Workers’ compensation analysis

  • Facilitating Payroll for clients

  • Working with the Internal Revenue Service to resolve past or present tax needs.

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